The Leaning Cathedral

Real life humor
The Leaning Cathedral
Years ago, as a second mate aboard a tanker, I had my wife join me on board. She came in Livorno, Italy. As it happened to be hours away from Pisa with it’s famous tower, we decided to go for a visit. As expected we took some photographs. Some were taken by me and some by her. As she took my pictures with the cathedral in the background her hand shook and we had a picture with a leaning cathedral.
The British Cadet who saw the photograph said to my wife, “Either you were drunk while you took this or is it the Leaning Cathedral of Pisa”.
We could not help but smile at his remark.

The Illiterate Patient
A man comes to an optician's clinic for a sight test accompanied by his wife. When asked if she too had come to be tested, he replied, “No, I’m illiterate so she has come to read the chart for me.”

One Liner
The Early Bird
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

The Lighter Side of Life - A humor blog. Jokes, funny incidents and one liners.


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Today’s picture is of Portulaca in full bloom at our home.

Picture by The Lighter Side of Life - A humor blog. Jokes, funny incidents and one liners.

The Portulaca

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